Monday, November 25, 2013

Week Six: The Point of No Return

So, guys. This is my final blog post for this project. I want to say thanks to all of my readers and my teachers. You guys are all so awesome!

So, this week is really just a repeat of a lot of previous things, but I do have a couple of new things to introduce to y'all. 

But first, let's go over what we've already seen so far.

So here we have yet another actinosphaerum, one of many that we've seen before.

The little blue arrow is pointing to it. Unfortunately, this one was not dividing like the one I showed you earlier, and as a matter of fact, this little fellow was not moving at all when I found him.

I also saw our friendly little limnus McGee again!! I, of course, had to mess with him a little and make him pop in and out, but he seemed no worse for wear. That is, with the exception of a lot more diatoms making him their home.

I found what I think may have been another limnus at one time, but is now a nice comfy house for a whole colony of little diatoms.

And while we're talking about Diatoms.

There were a ton of these little things hanging around in the MicroAquarium. This picture here is just the best one I could get of them. Plus I happened to really like the flower look this little guy was going for.

And now to say hello to one of our other little friends, a newer one from last week.

Here's a little centrapix, all burdened down by some hitchhikers. I just now realized that I spelled it wrong on the picture, so please forgive me for that! I'm pretty sure the hitchhikers are diatoms, but don't quote me on that!

Okay, now I'll introduce you to the newest edition to the MicroAquarium family, and that would be this lovely little fellow and his brothers and sisters:

I saw at least three of these lovely little amoebas in my MicroAquarium, but here's the best picture that I got. These guys were literally everywhere. And I mean everywhere. And boy were they powering around, just trucking like they were on a little microscopic highway. Of course, I guess in their own way, they are.

So, that's really it for this post. Oh, hey, wait! Just a small note, I updated the post from October 28, 2013 to include the addition of a beta food pellet, which I'm sure all my little organisms were very happy about at the time.

 I know, pretty short for the last one, right? Well, to be honest, I didn't get much sleep last night, and I've had a ton of stuff due today. Plus, finals are coming up, so I'm pretty beat. I think that for now, I'm just gonna sign off and relax for a bit, maybe watch The Avengers or play Candy Crush. I hope everybody has Happy Holidays and be safe if you're travelling.

Signing off for now,

Alison Dyke

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